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10 Inhibiting Creativity a Must watch
Posted on Saturday, April 30, 2011 by Sipemalu
Want creative? Mandatory hilangin thoughts are like this:
Correct AnswerMyth: No need macem deh-macem, just follow the school said ajaFact: Throughout life, we must almost-always taught nyari "bener yag answer." We very rarely exercises nyari various possible answers. We were forced to make ngikutin anything that already diajarin many years, and rarely trained for ngeluarin own opinion or try nyari other answers.
It's Not Logical, Tauk!Myth: Signs of a genius tuh kudu everything was really based on logic.Fact: Nerapin logic is too early in the process of creativity, very dangerous! Because if we ngelibatin logic in the early stages of the process of thinking, it can close many minds. In fact, the way the mind can only produce a variety of groundbreaking ideas, if traced first. If still looking for ideas of some things, try deh Biarin let your mind wander freely get the chance for developing.
Participate Rules Aja Deh!Myth: If you want safe, follow the rules aja deh!Fact: The rules are important, but sometimes need to first let disisihin no room for the emergence of a free mind without the rules that bind. As word of the artist Picasso "Every act of creation in the beginning was the act of feeling." So, do not be afraid and hesitate make creative. Free your self!
Aja-Practical Practical Again!Myth: Do not make grandiose dehFact: Being practical = ngritik. Ngritik too early will kill the idea. Sometimes the most stupid idea could be a major work, home dipadamin not too early.
Wow, That's Not Division I SihMyth: Something that we consider not just going to take our field failureFact: A lot of really great inventions out there happen when someone else "wildness" in the new field. So, do not trigger the same ngebatesin themselves a plane before tried and tried.
Do not Be Stupid!Myth: ngelakuin things that seem foolish is the most despicable thingFact: Many successful people say "Be stupid." Emang it sounds ridiculous. But, ignorance does not last forever, eventually will return to logic.
Just playing Sloppy Work SonMyth: Creating something or make a creation tuh maen-maen job and a waste of timeFact: Main-playing ma a thing or idea is the basic process of creativity.
Avoid MistakesMyth: To err just makes us a laughing matter and certainly look silly and stupid stampedFact: If the fear of wrong, deh would not get a chance. A person who is said to successfully overcome the failures of successful tuh ever passed. If you want to succeed, must dare to fail!
Sok ExpertMyth: Udah understand why! Just understand deh dah!Fact: The main obstacle to creativity tuh aka quasi-experts feel most tau. If we assume to know everything regarding the same an issue / problem, we've closed the possible presence of ideas / fresh ideas in us. The main obstacles to progress BUKALNLAH ignorance, but the attitude FEEL ALREADY KNOW.
I'm Not Creative COMPLETELYMyth: Duh, I'm not a creative person. Creativity does not exist in my bloodFact: We are born creative. Creativity still exist within us ... waiting for the right moment to make jump out. ... BOOO!
CREATIVITY inhibitors SPECIAL ...!
If we ngalamin this, really sick deh. The name: Rejection! We have to strong and learn to accept rejection as feedback to make progress. Like it tuh ... cars. Would be shot if diundurin kenceng first. Anggep aja kayak rejection hurt when cars are diundurin again, a second and then darted kenceng. Wuuush!
Source: http://hepiihepii.blogspot.com/2011/04/tindakan-penuh-percaya-diri.html
Correct AnswerMyth: No need macem deh-macem, just follow the school said ajaFact: Throughout life, we must almost-always taught nyari "bener yag answer." We very rarely exercises nyari various possible answers. We were forced to make ngikutin anything that already diajarin many years, and rarely trained for ngeluarin own opinion or try nyari other answers.
It's Not Logical, Tauk!Myth: Signs of a genius tuh kudu everything was really based on logic.Fact: Nerapin logic is too early in the process of creativity, very dangerous! Because if we ngelibatin logic in the early stages of the process of thinking, it can close many minds. In fact, the way the mind can only produce a variety of groundbreaking ideas, if traced first. If still looking for ideas of some things, try deh Biarin let your mind wander freely get the chance for developing.
Participate Rules Aja Deh!Myth: If you want safe, follow the rules aja deh!Fact: The rules are important, but sometimes need to first let disisihin no room for the emergence of a free mind without the rules that bind. As word of the artist Picasso "Every act of creation in the beginning was the act of feeling." So, do not be afraid and hesitate make creative. Free your self!
Aja-Practical Practical Again!Myth: Do not make grandiose dehFact: Being practical = ngritik. Ngritik too early will kill the idea. Sometimes the most stupid idea could be a major work, home dipadamin not too early.
Wow, That's Not Division I SihMyth: Something that we consider not just going to take our field failureFact: A lot of really great inventions out there happen when someone else "wildness" in the new field. So, do not trigger the same ngebatesin themselves a plane before tried and tried.
Do not Be Stupid!Myth: ngelakuin things that seem foolish is the most despicable thingFact: Many successful people say "Be stupid." Emang it sounds ridiculous. But, ignorance does not last forever, eventually will return to logic.
Just playing Sloppy Work SonMyth: Creating something or make a creation tuh maen-maen job and a waste of timeFact: Main-playing ma a thing or idea is the basic process of creativity.
Avoid MistakesMyth: To err just makes us a laughing matter and certainly look silly and stupid stampedFact: If the fear of wrong, deh would not get a chance. A person who is said to successfully overcome the failures of successful tuh ever passed. If you want to succeed, must dare to fail!
Sok ExpertMyth: Udah understand why! Just understand deh dah!Fact: The main obstacle to creativity tuh aka quasi-experts feel most tau. If we assume to know everything regarding the same an issue / problem, we've closed the possible presence of ideas / fresh ideas in us. The main obstacles to progress BUKALNLAH ignorance, but the attitude FEEL ALREADY KNOW.
I'm Not Creative COMPLETELYMyth: Duh, I'm not a creative person. Creativity does not exist in my bloodFact: We are born creative. Creativity still exist within us ... waiting for the right moment to make jump out. ... BOOO!
CREATIVITY inhibitors SPECIAL ...!
If we ngalamin this, really sick deh. The name: Rejection! We have to strong and learn to accept rejection as feedback to make progress. Like it tuh ... cars. Would be shot if diundurin kenceng first. Anggep aja kayak rejection hurt when cars are diundurin again, a second and then darted kenceng. Wuuush!
Source: http://hepiihepii.blogspot.com/2011/04/tindakan-penuh-percaya-diri.html
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