Cerdas vs Tidak Cerdas : Cara Sembuhkan Dalih Intelegensi

Pretext of intelligence or "I am less intelligent" is prevalent. Actually, this excuse is so common that perhaps 95 percent of the people around us have it in varying degrees. Unlike most other kinds of excuses, people suffering from type "special disease" is suffering in silence. Not many people want to admit openly bawha they feel less intelligent. They prefer to feel himself far from our dalamKebanyakan made two basic mistakes in connection with intelligence:

1. We underestimate the power of our brains, and
2. We too assume great power of other people's brains
Since both of these errors, many people often debasing themselves. They were upset to face a challenging situation because they feel that for that "required a smart brain." However, then came the people who do not care about intelligence, and he got the job.
The important fact is not how much intelligence we have, but how do we use what we actually have - the mind that guides our intelligence is much more important than a lot of intelligence that we might have.
Three easy to heal the pretext of intelligence:

1. Never underestimate the intelligence of our own and find it too high intelligence of others. Concentrate on what we have. Discover our superior talent. Remember, not how much intelligence we have is important, but how we use our brains. Manajemenilah our brains rather than worry about our IQ.
2. Remind yourself several times every day. "My attitude is more important than my intelligence." On campus, at work, at home, practice a positive attitude. See the reason why we can do it, no reason why we can not. Develop an attitude of "I win". Take advantage of the positive use of intelligence for the creative. Use brains to find ways to win, not prove that we're going to lose.
3. Remember that the ability to think far more valuable than the ability to remember facts. Use the mind to create and develop ideas, to seek new ways and better to do things. Ask yourself, "Am I using my mental ability to make history, or do I use it only to record the history made by someone else?"

Thinking and high-minded, page 46
Perseverance is 95 percent of capacity.More important to use our brains to think rather than use it as a storehouse of facts.
Source : http://hepiihepii.blogspot.com/2011/04/tindakan-penuh-percaya-diri.html

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